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Are you tracking all of your digital marketing efforts with PURLs? To help you answer that question, let me back up and explain what a PURL is—a PURL is a personalized URL that can be generated using your marketing database.

If you have a prospect named John Smith and you are sending out an email blast using PURLs, he will receive an email with a personalized link to click on. John’s PURL may look something like this: This is a great way to engage with people and let them help you build out the information that you have about them. This also works great for direct-mail pieces because having your prospect’s name in the URL is sure to get noticed as a great personal touch! When your audience sees their own names on your marketing materials, they’ll be more curious about you and more likely to visit your website.

Why are PURLs beneficial?

PURLs are essential in allowing you to easily track the performance of your campaign efforts, including, but not limited to, email and direct mail. You can then analyze your results and find out which marketing piece drove your customers to their own personalized web pages for additional information.

Looking for a better response?
Do you currently send out direct-mail campaigns without PURLs? One- to three-percent response rates are common on a large-scale mailing. Incorporating personalized URLs in direct marketing campaigns has been shown to increase response rates by as much as 300 percent!

Build strategy from what you know
PURLs allow you to create targeted landing pages that are personalized for each recipient based on known interests, demographics, or past responses. Every time you reach out to a particular prospect, you can build the knowledge that you have on that person by asking different questions to help you better understand their wants and needs. This new information will help you determine your next campaign approach and communicate with prospects about the next big offer.

Broadcast your message
PURLs give you the ability to broadcast your marketing message over multiple channels. This allows you to send out a piece of direct mail, an email, and an SMS message that all direct the recipient to the same landing page where they can easily read about your offer in detail and respond accordingly.

Incorporating PURLs into your marketing materials is a great way to grow your database and learn more about your prospective clients. How do you currently reach out to customers to customize their experience?